A photo
taken at last August’s U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in Washington D.C.
might shed considerable light. It shows Barack Hussein Obama flashing
the one-finger affirmation of the Islamic State to dozens of African
American Thinker
The Associated Press took this astonishing photo as the African
dignitaries joined Obama, who hosted the event, in a State Department
auditorium for a group photograph. It was published in an article in
Britain’s Daily Mail, and it was the only use ever of the photo.
The one-finger display is the distinctive Muslim gang sign (most
notably the sign of ISIS): The index finger points straight up while the
thumb wraps underneath and presses against the digital phalange of the
middle finger. The remaining fingers are squeezed against the palm in
order to highlight the extended forefinger.
The extended finger is symbolic of the one-God concept of Muhammad and is understood by all believers to be a symbolic shahada, the Muslim affirmation of faith: There is but one God and Muhammad is his messenger.
Thus when believers stick their index finger in the air, they
demonstrate they are partisans of Muhammad’s God concept. And they also
affirm their belief in Muhammad’s claim he was the interface between
God and man. They also demonstrate they are part of the umma, the exclusive transtribal supertribe of believers that Muhammad started 1,400 years ago.
With his forefinger in the air, Obama affirmed his membership in this tribe.
African dignitaries understood, and a range of reactions can be
detected among the ones who observed the gesture: amusement, surprise,
curiosity, disapproval, contempt.
Note the reactions of Abdelilah Berkirane, the prime minister of
Morroco pictured just behind Obama’s left shoulder, and Ibrahim Boubacas
Keita, the president of Mali in white garb and hat. They are Muslims
through and through, and they are all smiles. They knew what Obama’s
upright forefinger meant.
The reaction of Togo president Faure Gnassingbe, at the top row
second to the left, is less approving. Through his face you can read
the mind of this Sorbonne- and George Washington University educated
leader. His mind is screaming, “You gotta be kidding!”
Gnassingbe’s country is squeezed between Benin and the Ivory Coast
and is not far from Nigeria and its Boko Haram plague — perhaps a
two-hour flight in a slow Cessna from Togo’s capital to the Nigerian
capital, less than an hour in something faster.
At the time of the Washington conference, Boko Haram’s leader
Abubakar Shekau had just declared Borno State in northeastern Nigeria as
the seat of his caliphate. Massacres of entire villages were taking
place; only a few months earlier nearly three hundred girls were
abducted from a Borno secondary school.
Togo has seven million people, 50 percent animists, 30 percent Christian. The remainder are Muslims, part of the umma.
Gnassingbe and all other non-Muslims of Togo have reason to worry about
radicalization of some of these members of the transtribal supertribe
of Muhammad who reside among them. And so his look of disdain. “You
gotta be kidding.”
Maybe it was Obama’s idea of a joke, but that is unlikely. The
finger in the air was a position statement brazenly stated. His entire
administration has been a promotion of Islam at home and abroad, and
just cataloging the evidence would fill a book. He has made this
country cozy for Islam, from ordering NASA to make Muslims feel good
about themselves to calling ISIS beheading victim Peter Kassig by the
Muslim name that he had adopted in the vain hope of saving his life.
If only Obama’s coziness were limited to such gestures, but from the
very beginning of his administration, he labored to topple the
strongman governments that had kept a lid on Islamic extremism:
Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Yemen. Overthrowing the Syrian government was
also part the program, not yet achieved but still possible.
The methodology of each was a tactic from old-school radicalism:
stir up domestic trouble that triggers a crackdown, then use the
reaction to discredit the government and as a pretext for stirring up
greater cycles of trouble until the targeted regime is replaced.
Obama is comfortable with Islam’s extreme. He arms such people
throughout the Middle East. He has let them into our government. He
supported the Muslim Brotherhood’s Muhammad Morsi as the replacement for
Hosni Mubarak, a staunch US ally and enemy of the Muslim Brotherhood,
and threatened and bullied Egypt when a massive revolt replaced Morsi
with a religious moderate.
The thread of all of these efforts was the reestablishment of the
Islamic caliphate, the line of successors of Muhammad that ended nearly a
century ago with the collapse of the Ottoman Empire. This has always
been a Muslim Brotherhood objective. In their grandiose plans, the
reestablished caliphate would stretch across the Middle East with
Jerusalem as its capital. 
The glory of Islam resurrected! These people aspire to world
domination, and the caliphate would serve as the base for an
ever-expanding war on the world until domination is achieved. That was
always the goal of their role model. Muhammad ordered his followers to
make Islam the only religion — to create a universal umma. As with Obama, they are just following orders.
There is nothing in Obama’s head that is American. He is an
antithetical American, a polar opposite of its values that he is
routinely undermining. He is an unabashed member of the transtribal
supertribe that Muhammad created 1,400 years ago; he is of the umma, not of America. His finger in the air at the African Leaders’ Conference is unambiguous evidence.

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