Just one woman who is fed up with the way the United States is becoming so politically correct. I call a spade a spade. If I see injustice I will call you out on it. I am tired of over-reaching government practices. I am sick and tired of the PC Police telling me that I MUST like everyone! Actually, I am just sick of the PC Police! Love me or hate me, it is your choice, but, I am NOT going to blow sunshine up your skirt to make you like me!
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]
President Barack Obama's Complete List of Historic Firsts [Updated]
Yes, he's historic, alright (new items denoted by ••• prefix).
Law and Justice
• First President
to Violate the War Powers Act (Unilaterally Executing American Military
Operations in Libya Without Informing Congress In the Required Time
Period - Source: Huffington Post)
• First President to Triple the Number of Warrantless Wiretaps of U.S. Citizens (Source: ACLU)
• First President to Sign into Law a Bill That Permits the
Government to "Hold Anyone Suspected of Being Associated With Terrorism
Indefinitely, Without Any Form of Due Process. No Indictment. No Judge
or Jury. No Evidence. No Trial. Just an Indefinite Jail Sentence" (NDAA Bill - Source: Business Insider)

First President to Refuse to Tell the Public What He Did For Eight (8)
Hours After Being Informed That a U.S. Ambassador Was Facing Imminent
Death During a Terror Attack (Source: Mediate)
First President to Lie About the Reason For an Ambassador's Death,
Blaming it on an Internet Video Rather Than What He Knew to be the Case:
the Al Qaeda-linked Terror Group Ansar al-Sharia (Source: House Oversight Committee, et. al.)
First President to Have an Innocent Filmmaker Thrown in Jail After
Lying About the Cause for a Deadly Attack on U.S. Diplomats, Using the
Filmmaker as a Scapegoat (Source: CNN)
• First President to Use the IRS to "Unfairly Target Political Enemies" as Well as pro-Catholic and pro-Jewish Groups (Source: Sen. Ted Cruz)
• First President to Unlawfully Seize Telephone Records of More than 100 Reporters to Intimidate and/or Bully Them (Source: Associated Press)
First President to Witness a Single Cabinet Secretary Commit Multiple
Hatch Act Violations Without Acting, Speaking Out, Disciplining or
Firing That Person (Source: New York Times)
••• First President to Systematically Release Detained Illegal Aliens Charged With Homicide Into the U.S. Population (Source: USA Today)
••• First President to Release 40,000 Illegal Aliens with Serious and/or Violent Criminal Records Inside the U.S. (Source: Judicial Watch)
••• First President to Release 40,000 Illegal Aliens with Serious and/or Violent Criminal Records Inside the U.S. (Source: Judicial Watch)
••• First President to Create Secret Police Units Inside Government Agencies to Block Lawful Investigations by Inspectors General (Source: Associated Press)

••• First president to order his EPA to unilaterally overturn a Federal Statute (changing the borders of Wyoming established by an act of Congress, Source: Casper Star-Tribune).
••• First president to systematically delay enacting a wide variety of controversial rules until after a presidential election (Source: Washington Post)
••• First president to have Politifact designate one of his statements "Lie of the Year" (Source: Politifact)
• First
President to Personally Lobby Senators to Violate Senate Rules and
Destroy the Filibuster Through "The Nuclear Option" to Consolidate More
Executive Power (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First President to create his own propaganda news network and "bypass journalists ... [having] developed [his] own network of websites, social media and even created an online newscast to dispense favorable information and images" (Source: Associated Press)
• First President to Barricade Open-Air Government Monuments During a Partial Government Shutdown (Source: Rep. Steve Stockman)
• First President to create his own propaganda news network and "bypass journalists ... [having] developed [his] own network of websites, social media and even created an online newscast to dispense favorable information and images" (Source: Associated Press)
• First President to Barricade Open-Air Government Monuments During a Partial Government Shutdown (Source: Rep. Steve Stockman)

• First President to Have His Attorney General Held in Criminal Contempt of Congress For His Efforts to Cover Up Operation Fast and Furious, That Killed Over 300 Individuals (Source: Politico)
• First President to claim
Executive Privilege to shield a sitting Attorney General from a
Contempt of Congress finding for perjury and withholding evidence from
lawful subpoenas (Source: Business Insider)
• First President to Issue Unlawful "Recess-Appointments" Over a Long Weekend -- While the U.S. Senate Remained in Session (against the advice of his own Justice Department - Source: United States Court of Appeals)
• First President to Fire an Inspector General of Americorps for Catching One of His Friends in a Corruption Case (Source: Gawker)
• First President to "Order
a Secret Amnesty Program that Stopped the Deportations of Illegal
Immigrants Across the U.S., Including Those With Criminal Convictions" (Source: DHS documents uncovered by Judicial Watch)
• First President to Sue States for Enforcing Voter ID Requirements, Which Were Previously Ruled Legal by the U.S. Supreme Court (Source: CNN)
• First President to Encourage Racial Discrimination and Intimidation at Polling Places (the New Black Panthers voter intimidation case, Source: Investors Business Daily)
• First President to Refuse to Comply With a House Oversight Committee Subpoena (Source: Heritage Foundation)
• First President to Arbitrarily Declare an Existing Law Unconstitutional and Refuse to Enforce It (Defense of Marriage Act - Source: ABC News)
• First President to Increase Surveillance of American Citizen Under the Patriot Act by 1,000 Percent in Four Years (Source: NBC News)
••• First president to appoint a convicted cop killer's advocate to the Department of Justice (Source: Investor's Business Daily)
••• First Administration to Be Ruled by a Federal Judge as Aiding and Abetting Human Trafficking (Source: Federal District Court Judge Andrew S. Hanen)

••• First President to have the EPA conduct hazardous experiments on the ill, infirm and elederly to push a radical environmental agenda, in a manner not dissimilar to the Third Reich's inhuman medical experiments (Source: The EPA Office of the Inspector General).
••• First President to be Accused by His Own Party of Ordering the CIA to Spy on Congress (Source: Washington Post)
••• First Administration to Be Ruled by a Federal Judge as Aiding and Abetting Human Trafficking (Source: Federal District Court Judge Andrew S. Hanen)
• First President to Demand a Company Hand Over $20 Billion to One of His Political Appointees (BP Oil Spill Relief Fund - Source: Fox News)
• First President to Have a Law Signed By an 'Auto-pen' Without Being "Present" (Source: The New York Times)
• First President to publicly announce an enemies list
(consisting of his opponents campaign contributors; and to use the
instrumentalities of government to punish those on the list - Source: Heritage Foundation)
First President to Attempt to Block Legally-Required 60-Day Layoff
Notices by Government Contractors Due to His Own Cuts to Defense
Spending -- Because The Notices Would Occur Before the Election. (Source: National Journal)

• First President to Intentionally Disable Credit Card Security Measures (in order to allow over-the-limit donations, foreign contributions and other illegal fundraising measures - Source: Power Line)
• First President to send 80 percent of a $16 billion program (green energy) to his campaign bundlers and contributors, leaving only 20% to those who did not contribute. (Source: Washington Examiner)
• First President to Propose an Executive Order Demanding Companies Disclose Their Political Contributions to Bid on Government Contracts (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First President to issue an Executive Order implementing a "Racial Justice System", a system that tries to achieve "racially equivalent outcomes" for crimes (Source: Daily Caller)
• First President to Leak Confidential IRS Tax Records to Groups Aligned Politically With Him for Partisan Advantage (Source: The Hill Newspaper)
• First President to Use the EPA to Punish Political Enemies and Reward Political Allies (Source: Competitive Enterprise Institute)
• First President to Send Millions in Taxpayer Dollars to His Wife's Former Employer (Source: White House Dossier)
• First
President to Openly Use the Department of Justice to Intimidate
Political Opponents and Threaten Companies to Donate to His Campaign (Source: Peter Schweizer, Extortion)
• First President to Direct His Census Dept. to Make Up Favorable Employment Data In Run-Up to His Reelection Campaign (Source: New York Post)
• First President to Have His Administration Fund an Organization Tied to the Cop-Killing Terrorist Group, the Weather Underground (Source: National Review)
• First President to Direct His Census Dept. to Make Up Favorable Employment Data In Run-Up to His Reelection Campaign (Source: New York Post)
• First President to Have His Administration Fund an Organization Tied to the Cop-Killing Terrorist Group, the Weather Underground (Source: National Review)
••• First President to have the EPA conduct hazardous experiments on the ill, infirm and elederly to push a radical environmental agenda, in a manner not dissimilar to the Third Reich's inhuman medical experiments (Source: The EPA Office of the Inspector General).
••• First President to be Accused by His Own Party of Ordering the CIA to Spy on Congress (Source: Washington Post)
••• First President to
allow deadly Ebola disease-ridden patients to enter the U.S., refusing
to restrict travel from infected countries like other Western allies (Source: New York Daily News)
••• First president to order his EPA to unilaterally overturn a Federal Statute (changing the borders of Wyoming established by an act of Congress, Source: Casper Star-Tribune).
••• First president to systematically delay enacting a wide variety of controversial rules until after a presidential election (Source: Washington Post)
••• First president to have Politifact designate one of his statements "Lie of the Year" (Source: Politifact)
• First President to Preside Over a Cut to the Credit Rating of the United States Government (Source: Reuters)
• First President to Bypass Congress and Implement the DREAM Act Through Executive Fiat (Source: Christian Science Monitor)
• First President to Move America Past the Dependency Tipping Point, In Which 51% of Households Now Pay No Income Taxes (Source: Center for Individual Freedom)
• First President to Increase Food Stamp Spending By More Than 100% in Less Than Four Years (Source: Sen. Jeff Sessions)
• First President to Spend a Trillion Dollars on 'Shovel-Ready' Jobs -- and Later Admit There Was No Such Thing as Shovel-Ready Jobs (Source: President Obama during an early meeting of his 'Jobs Council')
• First President to Threaten Insurance Companies After They Publicly Spoke out on How Obamacare Helped Cause their Rate Increases (Source: The Hill)

• First President to Abrogate Bankruptcy Law to Turn Over Control of Companies to His Union Supporters (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First President to Propose Budgets So Unreasonable That Not a Single Representative From Either Party Would Cast a Vote in Favor (Sources: The Hill, Open Market)
• First President Whose Economic Policies Have the Number of Americans on Disability Exceed the Population of New York (Source: CNS News)
• First President to Sign a Law Requiring All Americans to Purchase a Product From a Third Party (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First President to Sue States For Enforcing Immigration Laws Passed by Congress (Source: The Arizona Republic newspaper)
• First President to See America Lose Its Status as the World's Largest Economy (Source: Peterson Institute)
• First President to redistribute $26.5 billion of the taxpayers' funds to his union supporters in the UAW (Source: Heritage Foundation)
• First President to Threaten an Auto Company (Ford) After It Publicly Mocked Bailouts of GM and Chrysler (Source: Detroit News)
• First President to Run a Record 5 Straight Years of Deficits for the Disability Trust Fund (Source: CNS News)
• First President to Run a Record 5 Straight Years of Deficits for the Disability Trust Fund (Source: CNS News)
• First President to Attempt to Bully a Major Manufacturing Company Into Not Opening a Factory in a Right-to-Work State (Boeing's facility in South Carolina - Source: Wall Street Journal)
••• First President Since 1872 to See the U.S. Economy Sink From 1st to 2nd Largest in the World (Source: Financial Times).
••• First President to Conceal Food Stamp Data From Public Scrutiny (Source: Judicial Watch: "8th Circuit Says USDA Can’t Keep Hiding Food Stamp Data")
••• First President to Leave the American Middle Class No Longer the World’s Richest (Source: The New York Times)
••• First President to Retaliate Against a Rating Agency for Downgrading the United States Debt (Source: Investor's Business Daily)
••• First President to Expand the Regulatory State to an Unprecedented Degree ("New record: Feds issued 56 regs for every new law, 3,659 in 2013", Source: Washington Examiner)
••• First President Since 1872 to See the U.S. Economy Sink From 1st to 2nd Largest in the World (Source: Financial Times).
••• First President to Conceal Food Stamp Data From Public Scrutiny (Source: Judicial Watch: "8th Circuit Says USDA Can’t Keep Hiding Food Stamp Data")
••• First President to Leave the American Middle Class No Longer the World’s Richest (Source: The New York Times)
••• First President to Retaliate Against a Rating Agency for Downgrading the United States Debt (Source: Investor's Business Daily)
••• First President to Expand the Regulatory State to an Unprecedented Degree ("New record: Feds issued 56 regs for every new law, 3,659 in 2013", Source: Washington Examiner)
Energy Policy
• First President
to Endanger the Stability of the Electric Grid by Shutting Down Hundreds
of Coal-Fired Plants Without Adequate Replacement Technologies (Source: National Electric Reliability Corporation - PDF)
• First President to Have
His EPA Repudiated by a Federal Judge for "Overstepping Its Powers"
When They Attempted to Shut Down Coal Operations in Appalachia (Source: Huffington Post)
• First President to be Held in Contempt of Court for Illegally Obstructing Oil Drilling in the Gulf of Mexico (Source: Politico)
National Security and World Affairs
• First President to Lie
Repeatedly to the American People About the Murder of a U.S. Ambassador
and Three Other Diplomatic Personnel for Purely Political Reasons,
Rewriting a "Talking Points" Memo No Fewer Than a Dozen Times to Avoid
Referencing a Pre-Planned Terror Attack (Source: ABC News)
• First President to Openly Defy a Congressional Order Not To Share Sensitive Nuclear Defense Secrets With the Russian Government (Sources: ABC News, Rep. Michael Turner)
• First President to Leak
Highly Classified Military and Intelligence Secrets to Hollywood In
Order to Promote a Movie That Could Help His Reelection Campaign (Source: Judicial Watch)
• First President to Renounce the Monroe Doctrine of National Security in the Western Hemisphere (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First Nobel Peace Prize Winner to State "I'm Really Good At Killing People" (Regarding His Drone Strikes) (Source: Business Insider)
• First President to Snub the Vatican by Closing U.S. Embassy (Source: Washington Times, "Obama’s call to close Vatican embassy is ‘slap in the face’ to Roman Catholics")
••• First President to Directly Violate the Law Regarding Prisoner Swaps with the Taliban, Bypassing Congressional Review (Source: The New York Times)
••• First President to Invite a Leader of the Terrorist Group the Muslim Brotherhood to a Meeting in the White House (Source: Washington Free Beacon)
••• First President to Out a CIA Station Chief in an Active Military Zone (Source: CBS News)
• First President to Renounce the Monroe Doctrine of National Security in the Western Hemisphere (Source: Wall Street Journal)
• First Nobel Peace Prize Winner to State "I'm Really Good At Killing People" (Regarding His Drone Strikes) (Source: Business Insider)
• First President to Snub the Vatican by Closing U.S. Embassy (Source: Washington Times, "Obama’s call to close Vatican embassy is ‘slap in the face’ to Roman Catholics")
••• First President to Directly Violate the Law Regarding Prisoner Swaps with the Taliban, Bypassing Congressional Review (Source: The New York Times)
••• First President to Invite a Leader of the Terrorist Group the Muslim Brotherhood to a Meeting in the White House (Source: Washington Free Beacon)
••• First President to Out a CIA Station Chief in an Active Military Zone (Source: CBS News)

• First President to press
for a "treaty giving a U.N. body veto power over the use of our
territorial waters and rights to half of all offshore oil revenue" (The Law Of The Sea Treaty, Source: Investors Business Daily)
• First President to send $200 million to a terrorist organization (Hamas) after Congress had explicitly frozen the money for fear it would fund attacks against civilians (Sources: American Thinker, The Independent [UK])
• First President to Insert Himself into White House Biographies of Past Presidents (Source: The New York Times).
••• First President to Complete 210 Rounds of Golf in Less Than Six Years in Office (Source: CBS News)
But remember: he will not rest until all Americans have jobs, affordable homes, green-energy vehicles, and the environment is repaired, etc., etc., etc.
Dear ISIS....
Just for you...
Sassy Infidel
Dec 27
Sassy Infidel
Dec 27

Want To Piss Off ISIS? Call Them “Daesh”
Want To Piss Off ISIS? Call Them “Daesh”
Let’s be honest, the so-called “Islamic State”
is neither “Islamic”, nor is it a “state”. Their view of Islam has been
corrupted beyond any reason. Further, the Islamic State is recognized
by no other government and controls people through terror and
intimidation, not the rule of law. So let’s call them what they really
are, “daesh.”
Before becoming the so-called “Islamic State of Iraq
and the Levant”, and later the simply the Islamic State, the group was
known as daesh. The term daesh is actually an acronym for Al Dawla
al-Islamyia fil Iraq wa’al Sham, which was one of the originally names
that ISIS went by.
But here’s the kicker, in Arabic daesh is essentially
an insult. It is now used to refer to bigots who push and impose their
views on other people. You know, kind of like a group of terrorists who
would mass murder large groups of people simply for holding beliefs than
they do. Sounds appropriate, right?
ISIS: French Government First To Adopt “Daesh”
The idea to call the ISIS (hence forth just daesh) was proposed by the French government.
By refusing to call Daesh by their now chosen name, the French
government is hoping to delegitimize them. The French government also
noted that daesh is a group of terrorists, not a legitimate Islamic
After all, most leading Muslim authorities from
around the world have already denounced daesh, and it’s doubtful that
many of the people living under their rule consider them a genuine
government. Besides, calling out members of daesh for what they are
-namely bigots who impose their views on others- simply seems
ISIS: Term Daesh Enraging Militants
The best part about calling the militants daesh is
that it is apparently driving them crazy. Daesh has threatened to cut
out the tongue of anyone who calls them by the term. While I certainly
don’t want to get everyone’s tongue cut out over this, I also want to
afford daesh militants no respect.
By calling daesh the Islamic State the international media risks legitimizing them. Daesh wants to set itself up as an Islamic caliphate
and the leader of all Muslims across the world. Obviously, many Muslims
have rejected daesh and its beliefs, so it is important to deny them
any recognition of the name they are trying to build.
Of course, whether France’s efforts to insult and
delegitimize daesh will work will come down to whether or not the rest
of the global media, along with government leaders, decides to adopt the
new-old name.
For me, daesh sounds like a far more appropriate and accurate term.
Barack Obmama's family in charge of The Muslim Brotherhood's International Investments!
Our government has been completely infiltrated and taken over.
Any doubts about that will soon be erased!!!

4 Year Old FORCED by courts to have circumcision
Fight Over 4-Year-Old's Court-Ordered Circumcision Draws National Attention
The Huffington Post
Andres Jauregui
A Florida mom remains a fugitive after she refused a judge's order to appear in court last week to hand over her 4-year-old son so he can be circumcised.
A Palm Beach County judge ordered law enforcement to find and arrest Heather Hironimus after she was a no-show in court last week. The woman's attorney's say she and her son have checked into a domestic violence crisis shelter because the boy is "terrified" of the procedure.
"The child is scared to death of the procedure and doesn't want it," attorney Thomas Hunker said, according to the Sun Sentinel. "There have been no safeguards put in place to protect the child's psychological and emotional condition with regards to this surgery."
It's the latest in a protracted legal struggle that's thrown the minor, whose name is Chase, into the national spotlight. Hironimus and 4-year-old Chase went into hiding after a judge sided with the boy's father, Dennis Nebus, last month, according to WPBF. Although Hironimus and Nebus once agreed that Chase should be circumcised, the mother changed her mind and spent a year in court fighting the boy's estranged father over it.
Meanwhile, the mother's supporters have raised money for her legal fees. Some of them belong to a group that contends that circumcision is a barbaric practice that Chase shouldn't have to endure. One group, Chase's Guardians, helped raise more than $35,000 online to pay for Hironimus' attorney, according to Vocativ.
“We all feel like this is our son,” Amber Baxley, founder of Chase’s Guardians, said. “We’re fighting tooth-and-nail against this abhorrent, disgusting decision.”
Circumcision cases have made national headlines before, but as Vocativ points out, unlike Chase, the kids in those cases were kept anonymous. Hironimus and her supporters have made Chase an anti-circumcision poster boy, creating Internet memes featuring photos of him to get their message across, and using his image in placards at public rallies.
The mother's lawyers have requested that a mental evaluation be done on Chase to see if he's mentally and emotionally capable of enduring a circumcision.
According to a 2007 World Health Organization study, about a third of all men worldwide are circumcised, most often for non-medical reasons.
Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Impeaching Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Resolved, That Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States, is impeached for high crimes and misdemeanors and that the following articles of impeachment be exhibited to the United States Senate:
Articles of impeachment exhibited by the House of Representatives of the United States of America in the name of itself and of the people of the United States of America, against Barack Hussein Obama, President of the United States of America, in maintenance and support of its impeachment against him for high crimes and misdemeanors.
Article I
In his conduct while President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his constitutional oath to faithfully execute the office of President of the United States and, to the best of his ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, and in violation of his constitutional duty to take care that the laws be faithfully executed, has willfully corrupted and manipulated the executive branch to increase its power and destroy the balance of powers between the three branches of government that is established by the Constitution of the United States.
The means used to implement this course of conduct or scheme included one or more of the following acts:
(1) Shortly after being sworn in for his first term as President of the United States, Barack Hussein Obama began creating new departments and appointing Czars to oversee these departments. These Czars were never submitted to the United States Senate for approval as required by Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution. In addition, these Czars and the Departments have budgets that are not subject to being controlled by Congress as provided for by Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution. He also made recess appointments when the Senate was not in recess and these appointments were struck down by the Supreme Court.
(2) Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution mandates that the President of the United States “shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed…” Barack Hussein Obama, in violation of his oath of office has repeatedly ignored this Constitutional mandate by refusing to enforce laws against illegal immigration, defend in court the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and refusing to enforce Federal voting laws.
(3) Article 1 of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the U.S. government and sets forth the powers of the Senate and House of Representatives to make laws. These powers are exclusive and the Constitution does not grant the President the power to either make laws or amend them on his own. Barack Hussein Obama has ignored these provisions and made or changed laws by either issuing unconstitutional executive orders or instructing governmental departments to take illegal and unconstitutional actions. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:
A. Ordering the Environmental Protection Agency to implement portions of the Cap & Trade bill that failed to pass in the U.S. Senate.
B. Ordering implementation of portions of the “Dream Act” that failed to pass in Congress.
C. Orchestrating a government takeover of a major part of the automobile industry in 2009.
D. Ordering a moratorium on new offshore oil and gas exploration and production without approval of Congress.
E. Signing an Executive Order on March 16, 2012 giving himself and the Executive branch extraordinary powers to control and allocate resources such as food, water, energy and health care resources etc. in the interest of vaguely defined national defense issues. It would amount to a complete government takeover of the U.S. economy.
F. Signing an Executive Order on July 6, 2012 giving himself and the Executive branch the power to control all methods of communications in the United States based on a Presidential declaration of a national emergency.
G. Signing an Executive Order on January 6, 2013 that contained 23 actions designed to limit the individual right to keep and bear arms guaranteed by the Second Amendment to the Constitution.
H. Amending portions of the Affordable Healthcare Act and other laws passed by Congress without Congressional approval as required by Article 1 of the Constitution.
I. Issuing Executive orders in January 2014 amending the HIPPA law to allow the turning over of confidential medical records to Federal agencies if there is any information to be used to add individuals to the NICS list to prohibit them from purchasing firearms.
J. Having the EPA impose regulations on the coal industry that will force many utility companies and coal mines out of business. This will cost the U.S. economy thousands of jobs and dramatically increase the cost of energy to the public. This is being done without Congressional approval.
K. Hindering the ability of the U.S. Border Patrol Agency to not only stop illegal immigration, but to stop human and drug trafficking.
L. Removing the work requirement from welfare reform legislation without Congressional approval.
Article II
(1) Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution mandates that from time to time the President “shall give to Congress information on the State of the Union….” Implicit in this is an obligation for the President to be truthful with the Congress and the American people. Barack Hussein Obama has repeatedly violated his oath of office and the requirements of the Constitution by willfully withholding information on important issues or actively taken part in misleading the Congress and the American people. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:
A. Using Executive privilege to block Congress from getting documents relating to the DOJ’s Operation Fast and Furious and the death of U.S. Border Patrol Brian Terry.
B. Had members of his administration provide false information about the act of terrorism committed in Benghazi, Libya on September 11, 2012 and refusing to allow the State Department and other federal agencies to cooperate in the Congressional investigation.
C. Falsely labeled the mass murder of American soldiers at Ft. Hood, Texas as “workplace violence” instead of the act of Islamic terrorism it was.
D. Falsely labeling the IRS targeting of conservative and Christian groups as a “phony” scandal and refusing to order an active pursuit of the investigation into who was ultimately responsible.
E. Refusing to order an independent investigation of the actions of Eric Holder and the DOJ in targeting the phone records of members of the news media.
F. Telling the American people on a television show that the NSA was not prying into the emails and phone calls of Americans when the facts prove otherwise.
(2) The oath of office of the President of the United States requires him to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution. This obviously includes what may be the most important part of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights. Barack Hussein Obama has repeatedly violated his oath of office by seeking to limit both the individual rights and the rights of the States guaranteed in the first ten amendments to the Constitution. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:
A. Having the Department of Health and Human Services order religious institutions and businesses owned by religious families to provide their employees free contraception and other services that are contrary to their religious beliefs. This is being done under the auspices of the Affordable Health Care Act and violates the religious freedom clauses of the First Amendment.
B. Having the military place restrictions on the religious freedom of Chaplains and other members of the military in order to favor gay rights advocates and atheists in violation of the First Amendment.
C. Having the military place restrictions on the freedom of speech of members of the military and the civilian employees of the DOD in violation of their rights under the First Amendment.
D. Using Executive orders and government agency actions to limit Second Amendment rights. This includes actions by the Veterans Administration to disarm American veterans without due process as required by the Fifth Amendment.
E. Having the National Security Agency intercept and monitor the private communications of millions of Americans without a court order and in violation of the Fourth Amendment.
F. Joining with foreign governments in lawsuits against sovereign U.S. states to prohibit them from enforcing immigration laws. This is in violation of the Tenth Amendment.
G. Filing suits under the Voting Rights Act against sovereign U.S. states to prevent them from enforcing Voter ID laws despite rulings by the Supreme Court upholding these laws. This is another violation of the Tenth Amendment and the balance of powers.
H. Having the IRS propose new regulations on conservative 501 (C ) (4) organizations to limit their freedom of speech and political activities during election cycles in violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution.
I. Having the FCC prepare new rules on internet neutrality in violation of the ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court striking down such regulations.
J. Having the FCC institute a plan to place agents in newsrooms of radio and television stations as well as print media to monitor whether they are providing the “proper” news content to the public, a direct violation of the First Amendment to the Constitution.
K. Having the Secretary of State sign the U.N. Small Arms Treaty despite the opposition of a majority of the U.S. Senate and with full awareness that the implementation of the treaty would violate the Second Amendment rights of American citizens.
(3) Under Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution the President of the United States is the Commander in Chief of the United States military and as such is responsible for using them in a manner that best serves the national security of the United States and protects our soldiers from unnecessary risks and harm. Barack Hussein Obama has violated his oath of office in this regard. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:
A. In the name of “political correctness,” he imposed unnecessary and dangerous rules of engagement on our troops in combat causing them to lose offensive and defensive capabilities and putting them in danger. Many American service personnel have been killed or wounded as a result of this policy.
B. Releasing the identity of American military personnel and units engaged in dangerous and secret operations such as the killing of Osama bin Laden by Navy Seal team 6.
C. Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution gives Congress the exclusive power to declare war. Yet, without consulting Congress President Obama ordered the American military into action in Libya.
D. Having the Attorney General tell Secretaries of State that they do not have to comply with the Federal law requiring states to timely send absentee ballots to military personnel.
Article III
(1) Article 2, Section 2 of the Constitution establishes the President as Commander in Chief of the United States Military. This requires him to use his power and authority to oversee the proper use of the military to properly protect and defend the people and territory of the United States against all enemies, both foreign and domestic. He is further responsible for using the U.S. military in a manner that is effective and protects members of the military and takes proper care of veterans.
The President takes an oath of office that encompasses these duties. Barack Hussein Obama has consistently violated these duties and violated his oath. Specific actions include, but are not necessarily limited to:
A. Imposing Rules of Engagement on the active military in war zones that have unnecessarily endangered the lives of American soldiers.
B. Allowed the leaking of classified information about U.S. military operations to the media in order to enhance his political image. Such leaks place the lives of U.S. soldiers in danger.
C. Despite being informed in 2009 of problems in the Veterans Administration involving treatment of veterans, took no action improve the situation, but instead ordered the VA to spend a major part of its budget on green energy projects at VA facilities instead on veteran care.
D. Endangered the lives of members of the American military and American civilians by negotiating with terrorists to trade five high level Taliban leaders in exchange for an American soldier who deserted his post and his fellow soldiers. In addition, he did the foregoing action in violation of Federal law since he did not provide the legally required thirty day notice to members of Congress of his intent to release prisoners from Guantanamo Bay.
E. Continues to refuse to enforce immigration laws passed by Congress in violation of Article 2, Section 3 of the Constitution, and further has used illegal and unconstitutional Executive orders to grant amnesty or de-facto amnesty to illegal aliens currently in the United States.
F. Has deliberately destroyed the morale and effectiveness of Border Patrol agents by interfering with their attempts to fulfill their oath of office and enforce laws legally passed by the U.S. Congress.
G. By his deliberate actions encouraged parents of thousands of children in Central America to send their children, often unaccompanied by adults, across the U.S. border and then asking for billions of taxpayer dollars to care for these children.
H. Ordered the Border Patrol and Department of Homeland Security to place thousands of these children on buses or planes and dumping them in communities around the country; often without any prior notifications to the local elected officials in these communities.
I. Allowed the TSA to let these children, as well as possible teenage gang members and unidentified to fly in U.S. Airlines at taxpayer expense without proper identification required by Federal law.
J. Has refused to respond to lawful requests by Governors of the southern Border States to close the Southern border to any further illegal immigration and has created a severe financial crisis for Border States and other states in order to advance his own political agenda.
K. Has ordered the release of thousands of illegal aliens who have been convicted of serious crimes in the U.S. to be released and stay in the country after they have served their sentences. This violates the requirements of Federal law that such people be immediately deported.
L. Ordered the immediate release of approximately 68,000 other criminals in Federal prisons that have been convicted of drug offenses. These actions endanger the lives and property of honest and law abiding American citizens that the President is legally and constitutionally required to protect.
M. Has authorized the IRS, HHS, BATF, DHS, and EPA to propose new regulations not authorized by Congress that will adversely affect the rights of Americans protected by the First, Second, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution.
In all of this, Barack Hussein Obama has undermined the integrity of his office, has brought disrepute on the Presidency, has betrayed his trust as President and has acted in a manner subversive of the rule of law and justice, to the manifest injury of the people of the United States.
Wherefore, Barack Hussein Obama, by such conduct, warrants impeachment and trial, and removal from office and disqualification to hold and enjoy any office of honor, trust or profit under the United States.
I have prepared these updated formal Articles of Impeachment as a Constitutional lawyer. They are in proper legal form and all allegations are provable. We have now confirmed that at least one, and possibly more, members of Congress have submitted the articles to the House judiciary Committee for consideration. Please feel free to forward this to your representative in Congress.
Michael Connelly, Constitutional Attorney
NATO scrambles jets after Russian military planes spotted over Baltic Sea
NATO scrambles jets after Russian military planes spotted over Baltic Sea
- In this Friday, May 9, 2014 file photo Russian bombers Tu-22M3 fly in
formation during a Victory Day Parade in Moscow commemorating the 1945
defeat of Nazi Germany. (AP Photo/Pavel Golovkin, File)
STOCKHOLM – The Swedish Air Force and NATO jets on Tuesday tracked four Russian combat aircraft flying with their transponders turned off over the Baltic Sea, officials said.
The Russian planes — two long-range, nuclear-capable Tu-22M3 bombers and two Sukhoi Su-27 fighters — were flying in international airspace, according to Sweden's Armed Forces and alliance sources.
NATO said it scrambled Danish jets and Italian jets based in Lithuania early Tuesday to identify the Russian aircraft which it said were heading to the Russian Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad.
"The Russian military aircraft did not use their onboard transponder; they were not in contact with civilian Air Traffic Control and they were not on a pre-filed flight plan," a NATO military officer said on condition he not be identified by name in keeping with alliance practice.
Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom said it was "unacceptable" for the Russian planes to be flying with shut-off transponders that are necessary for identifying aircraft on radar, calling it violation of international aviation rules.
"This has happened now on a number of occasions and in a very challenging way," Wallstrom told reporters in Stockholm. "We are tired of always having to protest against this kind of ... breach of rules."
NATO and Sweden, which is not a member of the alliance, have reported an increase in Russian air maneuvers over the Baltic Sea in recent years.
Tuesday's sighting comes as Finnish and Swedish military aircraft are preparing to train with U.S. fighters over the Baltic Sea, and American and NATO forces continue military exercises in the Baltic countries.
The Swedish military said the threat against Sweden had not grown but that the armed forces were watching the "increased activity" in the region.
More of Obama's Accomplishments
More of Obama's Accomplishments
- First President to NOT salute the American Flag.
- First President to dismiss hundreds of our best Generals in the military and cut our military down to pre-world war II levels.
- First President to attempt to ban citizens from owning guns.
- First President to take off his shoes and bow to an Islamic leader or imam.
- First President to set in place situations and laws that destroy small businesses all over the country and then say he wants to "help" the middle class with govt. assistance.
- First President to tell our border patrol to allow illegals to drive drunk and to let them go.
- First President to "build" holes in border fences with Mexico that are out of sight of guards and large enough to drive trucks through.
- First President to purposely bring in, even fly in, illegals from other countries.
- First President to call grown terrorists coming in through the southern border "children."
- First President to take away the guns of border patrol agents and tell them to "run, throw rocks or hide."
Obama's LONG list of ACTUAL accomplishments!
Obama has actually accomplished quite a bit, and here’s a long list of his accomplishments, so stop bashing, haters!
- First President to be photographed smoking a joint.
- First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
- First President to have a social security number from a state he has never lived in.
- First President to preside over a cut to the credit-rating of the United States.
- First President to violate the War Powers Act.
- First President to be held in contempt of court for illegally obstructing oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico.
- First President to require all Americans to purchase a product from a third party.
- First President to spend a trillion dollars on “shovel-ready” jobs when there was no such thing as “shovel-ready” jobs.
- First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to turn over control of companies to his union supporters.
- First President to by-pass Congress and implement the Dream Act through executive fiat.
- First President to order a secret amnesty program that stopped the deportation of illegal immigrants across the U.S., including those with criminal convictions.
- First President to demand a company hand-over $20 billion to one of his political appointees.
- First President to tell a CEO of a major corporation (Chrysler) to resign.
- First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space.
- First President to cancel the National Day of Prayer and to say that America is no longer a Christian nation.
- First President to have a law signed by an auto-pen without being present.
- First President to arbitrarily declare an existing law unconstitutional and refuse to enforce it.
- First President to threaten insurance companies if they publicly spoke out on the reasons for their rate increases.
- First President to tell a major manufacturing company in which state it is allowed to locate a factory.
- First President to file lawsuits against the states he swore an oath to protect (AZ, WI, OH, IN).
- First President to withdraw an existing coal permit that had been properly issued years ago.
- First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
- First President to fire an inspector general of AmeriCorps for catching one of his friends in a corruption case.
- First President to appoint 45 czars to replace elected officials in his office.
- First President to surround himself with radical left wing anarchists.
- First President to golf more than 150 separate times in his five years in office.
- First President to hide his birth, medical, educational and travel records.
- First President to win a Nobel Peace Prize for doing NOTHING to earn it.
- First President to go on multiple “global apology tours” and concurrent “insult our friends” tours.
- First President to go on over 17 lavish vacations, in addition to date nights and Wednesday evening White House parties for his friends paid for by the taxpayers.
- First President to have personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
- First President to keep a dog trainer on retainer for $102,000 a year at taxpayer expense.
- First President to fly in a personal trainer from Chicago at least once a week at taxpayer expense.
- First President to repeat the Quran and tell us the early morning call of the Azan (Islamic call to worship) is the most beautiful sound on earth.
- First President to side with a foreign nation over one of the American 50 states (Mexico vs Arizona).
- First President to tell the military men and women that they should pay for their own private insurance because they “volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences.”
- Then he was the First President to tell the members of the military that THEY were UNPATRIOTIC for balking at the last suggestion.
It’s hard to comprehend all this guy has gotten away with. Any other
president would have been impeached! What in God’s name is wrong with
our government that they allow this guy carte blanch? It absolutely
boggles the mind!
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
A video guaranteed to curl a Jihadi's Toes!!!
A video guaranteed to curl a Jihadi's Toes!!!
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Students Choose a Patriotic Theme For Dance…So Their School Cancels It Because It’s ‘Offensive’
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Students Choose a Patriotic Theme For Dance…So Their School Cancels It Because It’s ‘Offensive’
A Massachusetts high school is having a serious debate over the theme of a scheduled dance.
According to WHDH, students at the school in Lexington said that the school administration canceled their ‘American pride’ dance because it may exclude other nationalities.
The ‘American pride’ theme received the most votes from the Lexington High School dance committee. Despite this, the administration is standing behind its decision, saying it’s are willing to tweak the theme in order for ‘everyone to be included.’
Assistant Superintendent Carol Pilarski defended the administration’s decision:
“Given the diverse demography of our community it was suggested by the advisers that the students come maybe national pride theme so they could represent their individual nationalities.”Students, like Sneha Rao, expressed surprise:
“People consider America to be a melting pot, so the fact that it was even considered offensive is what people are a little surprised about.”The town of Lexington is famous for being one of the birthplaces of the American Revolution. The Battle of Lexington and Concord, the first engagement between British troops and American colonists, took place there in 1775.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Sex offender hired as Easter bunny at mall
Sex offender hired as Easter bunny at mall
Story by Marcie Cipriani/WTAE
GREENSBURG, Pa. (WTAE) -- Parents want answers after learning a registered sex offender worked as the Easter Bunny at a mall in Pittsburgh.
The Westmoreland Mall fired Michael Paul Jacobs after three days on the job.
Jacobs is now speaking out.
"I can understand, you know, where they're coming from, about them being upset. But what a lot of people need to realize is, you know, I wasn't put in jail for touching little kids," said Jacobs. "My case, it revolved around having consensual sex when I was a teenager myself, with another teenager."
WTAE-TV learned Jacobs has convictions in two different cases of having sex with a 15-year-old girl when he was 19, one as a Megan's Law Violent Child Sex Offender. To be clear, an adult having sex with a minor is a crime, no matter how you slice it.
"Because I'm on Megan's Law, everybody looks at me different, and this is where I have trouble getting a job. And just, I didn't touch no kids or anything like that," said Jacobs.
The man said he never hid his convictions when he applied for the Easter Bunny job. It just never came up.
"They didn't ask for my background on the application that I filled out. It didn't say anything about a criminal background," said Jacobs.
A spokesperson for the Westmoreland Mall said Cherry Hill Photo Enterprise leases space at the mall to take Easter pictures.
"It's regrettable that one of their local employees failed to follow their stringent background screening procedures," wrote the mall in a statement.
Story by Marcie Cipriani/WTAE
GREENSBURG, Pa. (WTAE) -- Parents want answers after learning a registered sex offender worked as the Easter Bunny at a mall in Pittsburgh.
The Westmoreland Mall fired Michael Paul Jacobs after three days on the job.
Jacobs is now speaking out.
"I can understand, you know, where they're coming from, about them being upset. But what a lot of people need to realize is, you know, I wasn't put in jail for touching little kids," said Jacobs. "My case, it revolved around having consensual sex when I was a teenager myself, with another teenager."
WTAE-TV learned Jacobs has convictions in two different cases of having sex with a 15-year-old girl when he was 19, one as a Megan's Law Violent Child Sex Offender. To be clear, an adult having sex with a minor is a crime, no matter how you slice it.
"Because I'm on Megan's Law, everybody looks at me different, and this is where I have trouble getting a job. And just, I didn't touch no kids or anything like that," said Jacobs.
The man said he never hid his convictions when he applied for the Easter Bunny job. It just never came up.
"They didn't ask for my background on the application that I filled out. It didn't say anything about a criminal background," said Jacobs.
A spokesperson for the Westmoreland Mall said Cherry Hill Photo Enterprise leases space at the mall to take Easter pictures.
"It's regrettable that one of their local employees failed to follow their stringent background screening procedures," wrote the mall in a statement.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
Israel: Beware of Obama
Israel: Beware of Obama

Barack Obama Photo: Getty Images
First he comes for the banks and health care, uses the IRS to go after critics, politicizes the Justice Department, spies on journalists, tries to curb religious freedom, slashes the military, throws open the borders, doubles the debt and nationalizes the Internet.
He lies to the public, ignores the Constitution, inflames race relations and urges Latinos to punish Republican “enemies.” He abandons our allies, appeases tyrants, coddles adversaries and uses the Crusades as an excuse for inaction as Islamist terrorists slaughter their way across the Mideast.
Now he’s coming for Israel.
Barack Obama’s promise to transform America was too modest. He is transforming the whole world before our eyes. Do you see it yet?
Against the backdrop of the tsunami of trouble he has unleashed, Obama’s pledge to “reassess” America’s relationship with Israel cannot be taken lightly. Already paving the way for an Iranian nuke, he is hinting he’ll also let the other anti-Semites at Turtle Bay have their way. That could mean American support for punitive Security Council resolutions or for Palestinian statehood initiatives. It could mean both, or something worse.
Whatever form the punishment takes, it will aim to teach Bibi Netanyahu never again to upstage him. And to teach Israeli voters never again to elect somebody Obama doesn’t like.
Apologists and wishful thinkers, including some Jews, insist Obama realizes that the special relationship between Israel and the United States must prevail and that allowing too much daylight between friends will encourage enemies.
Those people are slow learners, or, more dangerously, deny-ists.
If Obama’s six years in office teach us anything, it is that he is impervious to appeals to good sense. Quite the contrary. Even respectful suggestions from supporters that he behave in the traditions of American presidents fill him with angry determination to do it his way.
For Israel, the consequences will be intended. Those who make excuses for Obama’s policy failures — naive, bad advice, bad luck — have not come to grips with his dark impulses and deep-seated rage.
His visceral dislike for Netanyahu is genuine, but also serves as a convenient fig leaf for his visceral dislike of Israel. The fact that it’s personal with Netanyahu doesn’t explain six years of trying to bully Israelis into signing a suicide pact with Muslims bent on destroying them. Netanyahu’s only sin is that he puts his nation’s security first and refuses to knuckle under to Obama’s endless demands for unilateral concessions.
That refusal is now the excuse to act against Israel. Consider that, for all the upheaval around the world, the president rarely has a cross word for, let alone an open dispute with, any other foreign leader. He calls Great Britain’s David Cameron “bro” and praised Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood president, Mohammed Morsi, who had called Zionists, “the descendants of apes and pigs.”
Obama asked Vladimir Putin for patience, promising “more flexibility” after the 2012 election, a genuflection that earned him Russian aggression. His Asian pivot was a head fake, and China is exploiting the vacuum. None of those leaders has gotten the Netanyahu treatment, which included his being forced to use the White House back door on one trip, and the cold shoulder on another.
It is a clear and glaring double standard.
Most troubling is Obama’s bended-knee deference to Iran’s Supreme Leader, which has been repaid with “Death to America” and “Death to Israel” demonstrations in Tehran and expanded Iranian military action in other countries.
The courtship reached the height of absurdity last week, when Obama wished Iranians a happy Persian new year by equating Republican critics of his nuclear deal with the resistance of theocratic hard-liners, saying both “oppose a diplomatic solution.” That is a damnable slur given that a top American military official estimates that Iranian weapons, proxies and trainers killed 1,500 US soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. Who in their right mind would trust such an evil regime with a nuke?
Yet Netanyahu, the leader of our only reliable ally in the region, is repeatedly singled out for abuse. He alone is the target of an orchestrated attempt to defeat him at the polls, with Obama political operatives, funded in part by American taxpayers, working to elect his opponent.
They failed and Netanyahu prevailed because Israelis see him as their best bet to protect them. Their choice was wise, but they better buckle up because it’s Israel’s turn to face the wrath of Obama.
It’s just like old crimes
Reader Stephen Shapiro agrees that the bad old days of “Taxi Driver” are coming back to Gotham. “Only last night, my wife noted the same thing when walking up Broadway from the Theater District,” he writes. “The sidewalks were packed with illegal sellers of cheap trinkets and maybe stolen goods. Like it was decades ago.”Step right up, NYers
P.T. Barnum is credited with saying, “There’s a sucker born every minute,” but the sentiment applies better to Albany than the circus. After all, who are the greater fools: ticket buyers who believe in sword swallowers and fire-eaters, or taxpayers who believe Gov. Cuomo and legislators will clean up corruption?School vow is more blah-blah-blasio
There he goes again. Mayor de Blasio is making promises that make no sense and saying things he can’t possibly believe.Putzie is so desperate to fend off state changes to his control of city schools that he is promising to apply crime-control techniques to educrats. “We’re going to hold every one of the principals to the same kinds of standards that our precinct commanders are held to via CompStat,” he declared.
That’s crazy talk for two reasons.
First, he and Chancellor Carmen Fariña say repeatedly they don’t like mainstream educational standards, especially a heavy use of standardized tests for evaluating students and teachers. Throw in their cutback of suspensions for disruptive students and their willful expansion of union power, and it’s hard to see on what basis they will measure principals’ performance.
Second, his reference to the Police Department as the gold standard of accountability would be valid — if de Blasio weren’t mayor. He is taking away so many enforcement tools from the NYPD that shootings and murder are soaring and evidence mounts that cops are under orders to ignore many quality-of-life crimes. With cops increasingly reduced to responding to crimes already committed, it is unclear what standards de Blasio is using to measure police commanders.
In truth, the similarity between the mayor’s approach to schools and crime reveals the danger of his incoherent philosophy. He’s a central planner of the Soviet model who doesn’t trust principals, teachers or cops to exercise their professional judgment. Ideological to the core, he’s imposing his political prejudices on their authority despite his lack of experience and training.
His decisions amount to micromanagement, not leadership, and represent the height of arrogance from a man who is late for virtually every public engagement.
Here’s an offer: He starts to show up on time, and we start to take him seriously.
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